Primary School
Primary Team
The Primary Team consists of eight classes from Foundation to Year 6. The 2024 classes are as follows:
Foundation A: Mrs Smith
Foundation B: Mrs Manser & Mrs O’Connor
Year 1: Mrs Thompson and Mrs O’Connor
Year 2: Mrs Osborne
Year 3: Mrs Culley
Year 4: Ms Price
Year 5/6 A: Miss McKinnon
Year 5/6 B: Mr Chambers
Our Primary Team has a strong focus on strong relationships, high expectations and excellent classroom practice, positive classroom tone and quality feedback for students. Teachers work together to follow best practice guidelines in all subject areas. Our school has a large focus on using the Spelling DfE Scope and Sequence, Dibels and Daily Maths Chats.
Keith Area School staff have a strong working relationship with the Keith Kindergarten. Staff meet regularly, plan smooth transition programs and attend training and development opportunities together.
Health/ PE and SEL
As a Primary Team, participation and development of skills is a valued aspect of our program. Students have the opportunities to participate in school swimming lessons, and whole school sports events. All teachers follow the Child Protection Curriculum and Social and Emotional learning is a high priority across the Primary Team.
Students in Years 4 to 6 are provided with many opportunities to extend their sporting talents such as SAPSASSA, School Sports and Intererschool Sports.
Parent Involvement
At Keith Area School we have an open door policy, where parents are always welcome to listen to reading and help out with special events. Please see the front office to ensure all relevant checks have been completed.
Assemblies are whole school and held in the hall once a term. These are used to recognise students’ achievement and showcase learning activities that happen at school. For specific dates please check the school calendar.
Students in Year 4 to 6 are invited to join the school choir where they perform at the Festival of Music in Mount Gambier.
Music Lessons
Students in Year 4 to 6 are welcome to take part in DfE music lessons through a Teams format whilst at school.
The Students Representative Council is an important part of Keith Area School. Students are encouraged to participate in class meetings and work collaboratively with students and staff across our site.