Senior School

Senior School

Students move into senior school in Year 10, allowing them to focus on more individualised learning programs based on their possible career options. As students move into this area of the school, individual subject counselling allows students to identify their learning strengths and focus on subjects they need to be successful when they complete school.

Benefits of completing Year 12 at Keith Area School

  • Broad range of academic subjects and vocational pathways offerings with specific individual learning programs developed based on student needs
  • Small classes where students have individual contact with their teacher each lesson.
  • Teachers who are willing to work with students outside of school hours and through school holidays to ensure students have the skills to achieve their potential.
  • Probability of winning achievement awards and Dux of the school, increase dramatically with small class sizes. Substantial monetary awards can be won by individuals and are awarded at the Valedictory service.

Events and Activities

While in senior school students have a number of opportunities to further their learning. Some subjects will have specific excursions relevant to their programs.

Some other opportunities include:

  • Year 10 Careers Camp
  • Rotary Careers Expo
  • Year 10 and 11 Work Experience
  • Visits from various universities and TAFE to explore further study
  • Individual subject excursions


We offer a wide variety of SACE Stage 1 and 2 subjects through senior school. Students are introduced to the SACE through the Personal Learning Plan (PLP), offered during semester 2 of Year 10. In Year 11 and 12 students study are range of subjects to meet the required SACE completion pattern. Academic and vocational pathways have been catered for, offering students the option of applying for university or taking up a vocational pathway into formal work.

The senior school handbook provides more information on the range of subjects offered, highlighting the ability of students at Keith to complete a range of challenging academic subjects with the intention of gaining a high ATAR score.

Alternatively, students can choose a flexible learning option where part time work and part time learning at school balances the needs of the student and the various employers in the district. Students will work with senior secondary home group teachers to discuss different options.

Flexible Learning Options
At Keith we offer a range of learning opportunities allowing students to explore interests outside of the general subjects offered.

  • The Open Access College is utilised to offer individual students with a subject that may not be offered onsite. Students have a weekly lesson via phone link up and are monitored by our teachers to ensure success.
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs can be run in a number of ways. Currently the school offers Certificate I Hospitality (Kitchen Operations) and Certificate II Food Processing.
  • Additional Vocational Pathways programs are offered based on individual career counselling. Students who have specific learning interests may be able to start Certificate level courses, through ongoing partnerships with training providers. Some of these offerings include Hair and Beauty; and Music.
  • School Based Apprenticeships (SBA) offer students the ability to study part time, while working and developing work based competencies for their chosen career. We work closely with Apprenticeship Brokers, Apprenticeship Centres and Registered Training Organisations to offer appropriate training programs for student wishing to take on an SBA.

Recognition for Community Learning
The SACE allows students to gain credit for a range of community based learning opportunities.

  • Community developed programs are existing programs that students can be involved in and learn skills related to a range of different tasks. A list of programs can be found on the SACE Board website, some local options include CFS Basic Fire fighter level 1, lifeguard and other Royal Lifesaving senior certificates and Duke of Edinburgh Awards.
  • Self directed Programs allow students to be recognised for a range of activities that are not formally recognised. Programs or activities are broad in nature and should be discussed with the Senior School Coordinator prior to applying for recognition. Students will need to write a short application and then attend an interview to show their level of involvement and learning through their activities.


    The South Australian Certificate of Education has a number of subject requirements which must be successfully completed to successfully attain a SACE Certificate.

    There are two stages of the SACE:‎

        • Stage 1, which usually begins in Year 10, with students studying the Personal Learning ‎Plan, and continues through Year 11. ‎
        • Stage 2, which is usually undertaken in Year 12.‎

    Each subject or course that is successfully completed earns ‘credits’ towards the SACE. ‎Students receive a final grade from A to E for each Stage 1 subject and A+ to E– for ‎Stage 2 subjects.‎

    To qualify for the SACE students must:‎

        • Complete a minimum of 200 credits
        • Achieve a C grade or higher in the Stage 1 compulsory subjects
        • Achieve a C– or higher in the Stage 2 compulsory subjects.‎

    The compulsory requirements are:‎

        • Personal Learning Plan – 10 credits at Stage 1‎
        • Literacy – at least 20 credits from a range of English subjects (Stage 1 or Stage 2)‎
        • Numeracy – at least 10 credits from a range of mathematics subjects (Stage 1 or Stage ‎‎2)‎
        • Research Project – 10 credits at Stage 2‎
        • Other Stage 2 subjects – that total at least 60 credits

    The remaining 90 credits can be gained through additional Stage 1 or Stage 2 subjects or ‎Board-recognised courses (such as VET or community learning) of a student’s choice.‎

    Contact the Senior School Coordinator for more information, or click on the links below to look further at the SACE website.

    Keith Area School Senior Secondary Handbook
    View 2025 Handbook

    SACE Planner
    View SACE Course Planner

    SACE Website 

    Entry to TAFE and Uni