Early Years
Early Years R – Year 2
The Junior Primary section of the school consists of 3 classes – from Foundation to Year 2.
The classes are arranged in the following way for 2023:
- Foundation class teacher: Sonia Smith
- Year 1 class teachers: Karen O’Connor and Jane Thompson
- Year 2 class teacher: Ellena Osborne
Our Junior Primary team has a strong focus on establishing routines, high expectations and nurturing learning in the vital early years. Working as a team provides staff the opportunity to have flexibility within the structure of their learning groups allowing student needs to be best catered for. A strong focus, including the use of the Jolly phonics program, running record levels and support for individual students, enables the foundations for continued learning throughout schooling.
Assemblies are held in the hall. These are used to recognise student achievement and showcase learning activities that occur in the classroom. Parents are welcome to attend these.
For specific days and times please look at the School calendar.
Health & PE Program
As a junior primary team, participation and development of skills is a valued aspect of our PE programs. Students get the opportunity to participate in a sports morning in term 1, Splash Day and swimming lessons in term 4. This allows students to develop their skills while being part of whole school events. Other opportunities that may arise are visiting football, tennis and cricket coaching clinics. Aspects of the child protection are also taught on a regular basis.
Links between Kindergarten and School are essential in ensuring that a smooth transition into schooling occurs. We maintain close and beneficial relationships with the Kindergarten staff by meeting regularly, attending training and development and developing early year plan and parent information to ensure the transition is smooth.
Parent Involvement
At Keith Area School we have an open door policy, where parents are always welcome to observe learning activities in the classroom. Listening to reading, helping out special events are also ways to become involved.